Thursday, October 08, 2009

Finally Got a Jog Blog to -sort of- work

I'm using iMapMyRide on the iPhone to map my exercise paths. Below is the first successful map. I tried it out 6 times before that without success. Why didn't it work? In my particular case, it is partly due to:
  • Urban terrain. Tall structures are apparently the enemy of a clear GPS signal.
  • Particular locales. As with dropped calls, some areas geographically lack the magic air-dust that cell phones need to function properly.
  • User error. Problem is, the iPhone is not multi-threaded, though there are exceptions. The first few times I used iMapMyRide, I launched it and then went to my iPod for workout tunes. You know what happened next? The next app silenty killed iMapMyRide, and I got no ride map. Don't do that.
  • Battery life. Some say this app is a real battery drinker. I have no comment on this at the moment.
Below is the app map I was able to get done. It doesn't start until I was about 3/4 of a mile into the run, even though the timer was ticking, so my stats were inaccurate, not to mention unnecessarily cruel.

For now the map is only available in a messy iframe so they can keep their brand mashed in, so hopefully they will port it differently later. Flash would be a big leap.

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