Friday, September 12, 2008


This radio website is pretty bugging spot on. I'm digging on "Somebody's Baby" by Jackson Browne. Just the right time on a Fri night for this song.

Have a listen to the Baby Fall mix on viva-radio too. I found it from a link on, based here in Philly. The mix reminds me of Tejas and places not typical.

And now Pepper Box by The Peppers (still listening to viva-radio). Gotta say, computer dj is tight tonight. Much better than the predictive qualities of Last FM and pretty much like the best full aural rubdown you could hope for.

Shutting down now.

Get Closer

This is undoubtedly an all-time great album cover of the mid 1970s. 1976 to be specific.

Seals and Crofts are portrayed as mystics of subculture (er, didn't they call it counterculture?).

Seals is the mad prophet, Crofts an id-propelled cannonball.

But what really smacks here is the marketing position, the message. Just what every music buyer wants. Membership to the safe far edge of decency. A chance to wade in the deep end of a well-cholrinated swimming pool.  

It's effective. It penetrates. Fans of James Iovine take note. This is an Interscope precursor.