Monday, December 22, 2008

Journey Across America By Bike...With The Kids

Just heard this story about a family of 4, two parents and two kids age 10 and 11 who have just successfully completed a bike trip from US coast to coast. They used tandem bikes to make their way from the Pacific to the Atlantic, covering many miles and learning some great things. Health, open minds, new experiences. This is the kind of thing to plan for.

I'm stoked, because I've considered a similar excursion. Lauri and I want to go on a sailing expedition in the footsteps (water wake?) of her nautical uncle. Seeing as children are a prospect in our near future, we may look into taking a family sailing trip sometime. The NPR report I speak of vindicates such ideas, promoting family bonding and new experiences through a family adventure.

Read up on their blog, posted along the way.

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